Tamil Nadu the temple state of india has some of the most revered and famous temple like meenakshi temple in madurai, Lord Murugans Aru Padi Veedu, Nataraja temple in chidambaram, Navagraha Temples around kumbakonam, Rameswaram Jyotirlinga temple in Rameswaram, Arunachaleshwar temple in Thiruvanamallai,Sri Rangam temple in Trichy, Suchindram Templs in Kanyakumari , Nellaippar temple in tirunelveli & Parthasarthy temple in Chennai.
This is a list of temples in the indian state of tamilnadu, known as the Land of Temples. Nearly 33,000 ancient temples, many at least 800 to 5000 years old, are found scattered all over the state. As per tamil Nadu hindu Endowments Board, there are 38615 temples. Most of the largest hindu temples reside here. Studded with complex architecture, variety of sculptures, and rich inscriptions, the temples remain the very essence of the culture and heritage of Tamil land with historical records dating back to at least 3,000 years.
The state also abounds with temple tanks. The state has 2,359 temple tanks located in 1,586 temples. The government has identified 1,068 tanks for renovation. hindu temples were built during ruling of Kings Chera, Chola and Pandavas. Visit temples to get Positive vibrations.
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